Developing Persuasive Communications



Part Two

Day One Morning


Discuss your experiences since Part One, current challenges and Part Two goals.


Active listening

You practice listening effectively, drawing out information, and helping a colleague to solve a problem.


Prepare to communicate change and handle resistance

We review the tools from Part One to plan and organize a communication. You prepare your first communication — a meeting where you expect people to resist because they do not understand the issue being discussed, they have decided there are different reasons for or solutions to a problem, or there is not consensus about the importance, urgency or risks involved.


Day One Afternoon

Motivate people to think and act differently

We introduce a framework for approaching difficult meetings and conversations in a productive way.

Conduct a meeting

You role-play the meeting you prepared earlier. We make your first video.


One-to-one coaching

You review the video of your meeting privately with a coach.


Day Two Morning

Collaborative meeting

You role-play a collaborative discussion of a business problem. Instead of handing the group the solution, you bring together the skills for active listening, meetings, and overcoming resistance to get the group to solve the problem. We make your second video.


One-to-one coaching

You review the video of your collaborative discussion privately with a coach.


Day Two Afternoon

Communicating on short notice

You practice communicating about two or three different work-related subjects, with very little preparation time. Then you practice a completely spontaneous situation.


Commit to a plan

You identify a few meetings over the next couple of weeks and plan the skills you will apply in each one to increase your chances of success.



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